Webinar 3: The First Appointment – What does it cover?

Webinar 3: The First Appointment – What does it cover?

How to manage the health issues, behavioural problems, learning difficulties, and autism spectrum disorders of today’s children with homeopathy.

Webinar 3: The First Appointment

The following webinar material is presented in an engaging and easy to understand manner. Numerous visuals and a PDF transcript are included.

  • Different types of consults – acute or chronic – and why acutes could be chronic problems.
  • Basics that all homeopaths cover irrespective of different approaches.
  • Significance of the following factors in acute treatment:
    • Location,
    • Sensation,
    • Cause,
    • Modalities,
    • Accompanying symptoms.
  • Significance of the following factors in chronic treatment:
    • Physical complaints,
    • Individual response,
    • Conception, pregnancy, and early development,
    • Temperament and personality,
    • Anxieties, fears and phobias,
    • Other areas.
    • Individualisation and the importance of detail.
    • Other therapies – to stop or not?
  • Spotlight on two of twelve key remedies that help children:
  • Remedy 5: Stramonium (Stram.)
    • Mental-emotional features that indicate the need for Stram.
    • Mental-emotional and physical symptoms that respond to Stram.
    • What to expect from treatment with Stram.
  • Case 7: “He’d sit bolt upright in bed and the screams would be blood-curdling.”
  • Case 8: “He’d bang his head against the wall and scream, and cry, and tantrum.”
  • Remedy 6: Tuberculinum bovinum (Tub.)
    • Mental-emotional features that indicate the need for Tub.
    • Mental-emotional and physical symptoms that respond to Tub.
    • What to expect from treatment with Tub.
  • Case 9: “He had a cold, quite a strong cold, within 24 hours of getting the remedy, and his parents panicked.”
  • Recap of the material covered in this webinar and preview of Webinar 4.

More Information and Registration

Homeopathy for Children: Health Issues, Behavioural Problems, Learning Difficulties, and Autism Spectrum Disorders – a 7-part webinar series with PDF transcripts.

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